(written by Psycho from Counter-Console) BEFORE YOU DO ANY OF THIS, DO THE FOLLOWING FIRST: - FIND THE CACHED.WAD FILE IN THE HALF-LIFE\CS OR COUNTER-STRIKE\CSTRIKE DIRECTORY AND RENAME IT OLDCACHED.WAD. - THIS YOUR PERMINANT BACKUP FILE OF THE ORIGINAL CACHED.WAD. Your console background will be created first as a bitmap, but must be compiled into cached.wad in order to be used in the game. This is because the console is displayed by the 3D renderer, and must be loaded as a texture. The Files needed to make cosnoles are all found under 'downloads' on the navigation side. First, create a 640x480 8bit (256 colors) bitmap (note: it is improtant that u bring it down to 256 colors!) to use as the console image. Name it console.bmp, it helps avoid confusion. You’ll need qlumpy.exe, which is available in the zip file as well. Place console.bmp, qlumpy.exe, a simple text-file name cached.ls, and the makewad.bat file into the same directory. Make that directory a folder named console on your desktop C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\console). The cached.ls file should contain the following text: $DEST "cached.WAD" $loadbmp "C:\SIERRA\Half-Life\tools\Consol~1\console.bmp" conback qpic 0 0 640 480 $loadbmp "C:\SIERRA\Half-Life\tools\Consol~1\console.bmp" loading qpic 0 0 640 480 In that same directory, make a makewad.bat file to run the following command: qlumpy cached.ls You don't need to edit this, because I've already included the makewad.bat file that runs that command for you. So, just run makewad.bat, and place the resulting cached.wad file in your mod’s root directory c:\sierra\halflife\cs (or c:\sierra\counter-strike\cstrike).